The church steps to the Fellowship doors are open to use. Please note: we do not have a handrail on them yet, so please use caution.

John 14.1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me

All of our services can be viewed live or later by clicking on the Watch Online tab from any of our pages.

700 E 15th Ave

Mitchell SD 57301


Pastor Craig Strain:

Church e-mail:

View our calendar on the What’s Up page.

At Reunion Church in Mitchell, SD, we are an assembly of believers, called out by God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Having left the darkness of sin, we now desire to walk in the Light of God’s Word. 

At Reunion Church, you will find the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God preached and taught, uncompromised, based on the Scriptures, the Holy Bible.

Library of Archived Sermons

We have archived all of our livestream services. Please click on the WATCH ONLINE button, in the upper right of each of our webpages, to choose the video or audio versions of the services and Pastor Craig’s sermons.

Please visit our 'What's Up' page for current calendar and notices.



If you are unable to visit us in person, we respect that, and wish to honor you. Please stay connected with us through Facebook, e-mails, and the WATCH ONLINE link on each of our webpages.

Please also know that Pastor Craig is available by phone.


NOTE: We have installed an AED (heart defibrillator) device in the church. Please click here for more information.