Pray for Church Leaders
1 Corinthians 16.13, 14 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity.
May church leaders fully accept and appropriate all God’s gifts, use them for His eternal glory.
Protect our leaders from:
- Weariness
- Frustration
- Attacks from the enemy in thought, word, and deed
- Fleshly temptations
- Worldly pressures
May our leaders receive from people of their congregation:
- Words of encouragement
- Prayer and wise counsel
- Palpable love
- Respect for them, personally, and respect for the authority of their positions
May our leaders’ eyes be open (enlightened) to the next move, season; to attacks, not caught off-guard.
May they see people as God sees, each sheep as worthy of God’s love and grace
Give our church leaders a heart free, pure, full of God’s agape love
Instill in our leaders a spirit of excellence, of joy in their work.
Give wisdom to discern a correct course of action, and courage to do the right thing
May our leaders receive as from the Lord lessons of humility
Pray for direction in decision-making and for confirmation of decisions
God continually give our church leaders ears to hear what His Holy Spirit has to say through them to others, the congregation, and their families
And the other way around: ears to hear the Holy Spirit speak to them through others, the congregation, and their families
Flourishing, deep, fruitful, restorative, refreshing prayer life; with confession and repentance
Give Pastor and Leaders strength to carry out God’s special work
Pray for patience, understanding, timing; with that, that their time will be spent being productive, rather than just busy.
A stable mind: free of anger & bitterness, renewed day by day in the mind of Christ, centered on God’s Truth
Pray for the Holy Spirit’s perfect unity among church leaders; for love, understanding, compassion, empathy, inspiration, patience, direction, communication, respect
Pray for our leaders’ wives: protection, sustenance, purpose, patience and understanding, joy, peace, wisdom, discernment. And for their children, that they will grow in the nurture and understanding of the Lord, raised unto salvation.
Pray God to raise up future leaders and workers to step in.
Ephesians 4.1-3 …walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.