All of our services can be viewed live or later, by clicking the Watch Online tab from any of our pages.

Please scroll down to view information about our installed AED device.

Notices and Looking Ahead:

  • Mighty Men Camp will be held May 15-18. If you are interested in attending, ask Joel for details.
  • All are encouraged to join us at 9:00 AM for Sunday School led by Jay Tolsma. We are viewing Ray Vander Laan’s series “That The World May Know”.
  • Children’s Sunday School is also held at 9:00 AM. They are Studying “Answers In Genesis.”
  • Join us for weekly Prayer Time on Wednesday at 6:00 PM and Bible Study at 7:00 PM. We are teaching on the book of 2 Timothy.
  • As a courtesy to those in our congregation who are extremely sensitive to cell phone radiation, please turn your phone WiFi and Bluetooth off during the Worship Service.
  • Please check the bulletin board for announcements, greetings, and community information.

We have installed an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) device on our church wall, just inside the sanctuary doors.

You are invited to view training videos at these sites:

Youtube for Physio-Control LIFEPAK CR2 AED


are similar to each other.


This next video is longer, and includes use for a child. (Note: We do not have the emergency pack containing the scissors and gloves.) 

Keep reading to see what's happening locally, in our nation, and around the world:

Matters for prayer and / or action

flag, blow, wind

Pray for our country!

Please pray for our country. There are so many issues to pray about. For information on how to pray for specific issues, see these websites:

Please continue to pray for our local, state, and national leaders.

1 Timothy 2.1 – 8

Pray for Ukraine and Russia:

See how God is working His miracles in Ukraine:

various issues:

Please pray God will raise up men to serve in our church. If you desire to express commitment to this church and the Lord’s work, please speak to Pastor Craig or Elder Jay.

For those interested in financially supporting Pastor Teo in Romania, you may send your check (made payable to Global Partnership Ministries) to this address: 4149 Checkmate Drive, Anchorage AK 99508. On the memo line, write “for Pastor Teo Ministry in Romania.” You will receive a tax receipt from Pastor Scott with Global Partnership Ministries.

Pray for Peace in Jerusalem; indeed, for all of Israel

Psalms 122.6: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

Zechariah 2.7-13

Please pray fervently for Israel.

Pray for Your Church

Please pray fervently for the church: the people of God, saved through faith in Jesus Christ, who make up the Body of Christ here on Earth.

For a prayer guide, click here.

Pray also for our church leaders: pastors, elders and deacons. Click here for a prayer guide.

Hope For The World International in India

 HTWI is committed to serve orphans, widows, poor and rural communities by meeting their physical needs such as water wells, medical camps, etc. HSSS is serving where no one else is serving, so they can experience the love of God for the first time.

Please visit

Rainbow Bible Ranch

Follow them on Facebook:

From their “About” page:

Rainbow Bible Ranch is a biblically based youth camp located on a working cattle and horse ranch in Meade County.

Mitchell Food Pantry

Mitchell Food Pantry receives assistance from Feeding South Dakota and Feeding America.

The Food Pantry is supported by your donations, as well as generous donations from local businesses like Walmart, Country Hearth, Coborn’s, and County Fair. 

All the Food Pantry workers in Mitchell are volunteers. The Board of Directors is a composite of 15 local churches.

Find the Mitchell Food Pantry on Facebook at

Phone the Pantry locally at 990.3663

Pray for Israel

Psalms 122.6Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. 7Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. 8For my brethren and companions’ sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. 9Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek thy good.

A resource to check out: 

Scripture commends us to fast regularly.

For more information about the powerful spiritual aspects of fasting, listen to Charles Stanley in his two podcasts, ‘The Powerful Practice of Fasting:’

If you are interested in more of the mechanics of the practice of fasting, read this article.

Is 58:6-11

Edifying / Interesting / Useful Outside Links:

Online Bible reading and study: 

Bible Atlas:

Ov­er 14,600 Chris­tian hymns and Gos­pel songs:

Search this site to find lyrics and listen to accompaniments. 

Art of the Bible:

A Christian Apologetics Ministry Dedicated to Demonstrating the Historical Reliability of the Bible through Archaeological and Biblical Research.:

Direction for how to pray for persecuted Christians; gives Friday morning updates and a calendar; Can also look for the Pray Today app in your app store.

Voice of the Martyrs website:

The Gideons International

National Right to Life

South Dakota Right to Life

Family Heritage Alliance

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Samaritan’s Purse International, founded by Franklin Graham, “Helping in Jesus’ Name”

Check out World News Group:  “Sound journalism, grounded in facts and Biblical Truth”

Hope For The World International 

Noah’s Farm  Noah’s FARM is dedicated to Feeding the Hungry, Advocating for Education, Reaching the Lost, and Medical Missions in Zimbabwe, Africa.

Go and Grow Ministries Creating opportunities by providing humanitarian aid, resources, and training for people around the world to prosper.

The Chosen is a Bible-based movie available for free on youtube. It depicts the life of Christ. There are several segments. This is the link for Episode 1:

Christian books and supplies: 

Christian books and supplies: